
You've got to hire the best cast

The best online platforms to find a range of race cars for sale are this cool site. Porsche or Ferrari, whatever is your need, you name it and they have it out there. The racing cars for sale could be negotiated for the best possible prices as there would be a little bit competition too. You could get into the action when you drag race cars for sale.Chances for getting your passionate race cars at affordable prices are higher when you are a regular visitor to the site. Dirt race cars for sale could be found here with fascinating pictures of these racing vehicles in action.You could also advertise your vintage race cars for sale, in this classifieds site.We just weren't quick enough on the start today  A lot of buyers are impressed with the huge number of used race cars for sale, out here in this site. Some of the dirt track race cars for sale announced here are quite amazing to stun and impress any car lover. You could get accessories for the cars also from this same online platform. Just keep a regular check in this race car classifieds, and you are sure to get your turn soon.Generally car races pump up adrenalin in the viewers to be excited to watch the amazing speed with which cars race one another in the circuit.

Tremendous amount of crowd gathered for these amazing car races, cheer up the participants to the motivate and encourage them to give their best in the race. Some of the serious accidents do occur at times as well. There are so many race men that had lost their arms and legs and many that have died on the spot as well. The safety of the participants is taken care adequately in the form of safe aprons, helmet, goggles, and foot wear and so on.Still, when the accident is something like a literal collision or something of that sort, then it is always lethal for the participants. These sports men are some of the highly paid in the trade. The top racers mostly have most of their bodily parts in steel as they have undergone one type of surgery or the other during their course of life as a sport star.Informatica is something that you may have heard of before or maybe you are not aware of it. However, if you are not aware of it you are truly missing out on this great bit of knowledge that is essential. Informatica is a kind of software which allows the user to create a data warehouse in easy way. Informatica training brings a new and simple concept i.e. "Data Warehousing".Informatica training: What is Data Warehousing? The use of data warehousing for a business is an innovative way. It is useful for a business to lower their operating costs and raise the production rates.


We just weren't quick enough on the start today

For the second straight year in a row, the forward from St. Albert gave fans a reason to throw their teddy bears on the ice following a first period wrister from the left side that beat a sprawling Jacob Suppes in net."Shoot and close your eyes and hope it goes in. Two years in a row I guess I was lucky," said Lalot after the game.It wasn't all roses for the Barons though as the Storm retaliated with two second period goals to put the MOB's home winning streak on the line.After the team killed off a 5-on-3, Kevin Miller fed Houcher who carried the puck the length of the ice before dishing it across to Lalor who immediately deposited it into the net for his second of the night.With less than two minutes to go, Houcher took a feed from Lalor and walked through the MOB's defence unopposed before out waiting Suppes and scoring the game winning goal with a minute thirteen left on the clock. Fire officials recommended you have your chimney inspected every year.

Sony may be looking to take the relatively new field of wearable electronics in a slightly unexpected direction if a patent filed by the company is any indication. The patent isn't for a competing version of Google Glasses, nor on a watch so smart that it could join Mensa, but on the SmartWig. Scratching your head yet? Before you pull the rug out from under this concept, some of the possible applications are more useful than one might expect from a hi-tech hairpiece.Wearable electronics is a concept looking for killer applications. Currently, the largest sector for wearable electronics is in fitness and medical devices, often taking the form of bracelets or armbands. Smartwatches and computational glasses currently appear to be in second place, although they have not yet found their true purpose in the scheme of things either.No one, however, appears to have speculated about the vast potential and tremendous vistas that would be unlocked by hair with intelligence. The developers of Sony's SmartWig, Hiroaki Tobita and Takuya Kuzi, shared their thoughts on this issue in an essay last year:"There is a wide variety of wearable computing devices, such as computational glasses, clothes, shoes, and so on... However, most wearable devices have become neither common nor popular... We think one of the biggest reasons is the style... the focus has been [on] function, not style...


Habitat for Humanity Tool Trailer Stolen

Celeste Haidux Cox, executive director of the North Collin County Habitat for Humanity calls the theft a "huge hit," adding that the nonprofit doesn't keep a large reserve for tools.She adds that since the weekend, they've consulted with police about different security options to protect their property, some of which are currently going into place.For Duckett, however, the worry is if she'll be able to move into her home on time in April, though board members assure NBC 5 the mission is still to complete the home, despite any further setbacks.Almost 500 people turned out on Sunday for the second of four Michael Brown auctions, spending tens of thousands of dollars on cars, tools and restaurant equipment from the former hand surgeon's estate.Brown, 56, died in Miami this past November.

On sale Sunday at Webster's Auction Palace were 10 cars, restaurant equipment including commercial refrigerators, ice machines and a slushy machine and margarita maker.Notable sales included tool boxes that went for over a thousand dollars each. Two trailer-mounted electric generators fetched the most money, however, selling for more than $20,000 each.Michael Brown's estate is so large that the sale of his belongings was separated over four auctions.The sale planned for this Sunday features a huge collection of guns, ammunition and hunting trophies, including mounted animals and skins.Ninety-seven guns in total will be up for grabs including a commemorative Colt 1911, 45-caliber with ivory grips.

 Other highlights include hunting supplies, fishing tackle and poles and animal skins, some bears but also an elephant skin which auction staff are at a loss to value."It's whatever anyone wants to pay for something like that," said a Webster's Auction Palace spokesperson.Brown was found unresponsive in his upscale Florida condo on Oct. 24, one day before he was due to go to federal prison for 30 days for choking a flight attendant on an international flight.A suicide note was left on a nearby nightstand, according to Florida authorities.


New tool tracks sex offenders on college campuses

Florida State College is home to more than 60,000 students and 51 of those enrolled, are registered sex offenders. Students on campus are able to use a new tool to check the number of sexual offenders on campuses.Florida State College at Jacksonville is just one public college that has an open access program, which allows offenders to take any classes. College officials are discussing whether to keep the current policy or change it."We are really concerned about the safety and students but also about giving open access to all citizens who want an education and that's the mission of our college," acting FSCJ President, Doctor Judith Bilsky said.Students want to see change, too.

The sex offender crimes range from rape, kidnapping to possession of child porn. First Coast News took to the streets and knocked on some doors of registered sex offenders living in Duval County. Wilford Chason, 46, opened up saying he wanted a fresh start after spending 13 years behind bars for kidnapping. He says he wants to turn his life around working towards a degree in computer technology information."I want the school to do what's best for the community as a whole," Chason said.For the next three months school leaders and community members will decide on three options -- ban admission for registered sex offenders,Innovative motion evaluation tool saves patients with back pain X-ray radiation exposure no ban at all or enact a partial ban making offenders go through an interview process before enrollment.

The other possibilities may include stopping offenders from taking classes or to allow partial access, which would give them the ability to take online classes or go through an interview before attending a class. Switching e-mail providers isn't always an easy affair, especially if you want to hold onto your old e-mail messages. And if you want to switch from Gmail, Google's use of labels instead of folders can throw another wrench into importing your messages.In the past, moving your Gmail to Outlook.com required some manual steps and you'd lose your Gmail labels in the end. Now, Outlook.com has an import tool that walks you through importing your Gmail messages, and it even converts your Gmail labels to folders.


Innovative motion evaluation tool saves patients with back pain X-ray radiation exposure

Those have undergone extensive back surgery and need repeated X-rays to monitor their progress may soon have access to a new technology that skips the X-rays and repeated radiation exposure, opting instead for an innovative, noninvasive, non-X-ray device that evaluates spinal movement. The technology was created and patented by two engineering undergraduate students who recently formed their own company to market the device.The paper describing the technology appears in the current special issue of Technology and Innovation - Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors?, and was presented at the Second Annual Conference of the National Academy of Inventors? hosted by the University of South Florida, last February 21-23, 2013.

"Surgical treatment is inevitable for some of the 80 percent of Americans who at some point in their lives suffer from back pain," said Kerri Killen of Versor, Inc. who, along with Samantha Music, developed the new technology while they were undergraduate students at Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. "We developed an evaluation device that uses battery powered sensors to evaluate spinal motion in three-dimensions. It not only reduces the amount of X-ray testing patients undergo but also has the potential to save over $5 billion per year nationwide in health care costs."

According to co-developer Music, there are 600,000 spinal surgeries every year in the U.S. with an annual exposure of 2,250 mrem of radioactivity per patient before and after surgery. The "electrogoniometer" they developed can be used by surgeons prior to patient surgery and after surgery and also used by physical therapists to further evaluate the progression of a patient's surgery. The technology can also be used in other orthopedic specialties to reduce both costs and eliminate X-ray exposure."The electrogoniometer contains three rotary potentiometers, which are three-terminal resistors with a sliding contact that forms a voltage divider to control electrical devices, such as a rheostat. Each potentiometer measures one of the three spinal movements," explains Music. "It also contains a transducer—a device that converts a signal in one form to energy of another form—to measure the linear displacement of the spine when it curves while bending."


Open source educational tools for 2014

The company also recently added broad matching of keyword targeting, to improve the ability to reach users based on keywords employed in conversations "by automatically expanding their targeted keywords to include related terms."Last year was a big year of open source learning for me. I had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of awesome people in the open source field, attending my first OSCon, and being a Community Moderator here on Opensource.com. I learned more than I can say last year, especially in education. Here, I'll share with you some my favorite and super interesting open source educational tools for teachers, students, parents,A Tool Consumers Need and others to use in 2014.

My number one educational tool is WordPress. I know, you thought I was going to say Moodle which is also awesome, but WordPress is a tool I use everyday to educate others. WordPress powers my personal and work websites, where I write about topics that help my colleagues around the world learn about open source software. It's often important to remember that just because a tool isn't marketed for a specific purpose doesn't mean it won't be the right one for what you're trying to accomplish.One of the things I use my WordPress sites for is sharing tutorial videos. Last year, I learned about Kazam, another option for this and an open source screencasting application for Ubuntu, so this tool falls under my Must Try in 2014 list. I want to find out how it works in comparison with other tools I've used in the past like RecordMyDesktop and Camstudio.

Right before the end of the year, I met with the local EdTech Women's chapter and talked with some local educators about the tools they use in their schools. I was delighted to learn that Scratch and Alice both of which I learned about at OSCon are a big hit with the kids. Any tool that gets children learning about computer programming at an early age is a tool to get on board with as soon as possible.When it comes to molding the next generation of open source developers, sometimes all it takes is introducing them to open source tools. Then, it's all down hill from there. Jon Roberts of the Davis School District in Utah spoke at OSCon about how he uses open source in his classroom every day.