
NCAA recognizes Snapchat as'munication tool for recruiting

Tool's first recorded material was as concise and to the point as the band's latter day repertoire would b'e expansive and lyrically opaque. This bruising banshee howl is the band at its most confrontational, a profane, three-minute kiss off from its 1992 EP "Opiate," where the group establishes the guiding principle of its career: These dudes are going to do what they want, when they want, and if that means turning antagonism into an art form, so be it.The NCAA has worked to keep up with the times when it'es to'munication,You've got to hire the best cast adjusting its policies based on the explosion of Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. Now coaches will have a new tool to'municate with prospective student-athletes: Snapchat.

The photo messaging application allows users to take photos or videos and add text or drawing, then set an expiration for the message once it is opened. The service has been criticized in popular culture as a means to distribute explicit material, particularly for its part in the social phenomenon of sexting.The idea of coaches Snapchatting their way into a recruit's life may seem strange because of the app's reputation, but it is no different than any of the other social media tools currently being used for recruiting. Coaches send Facebook messages and direct messages on Twitter, along with Instagram posts and those archaic text messages.The NCAA will allow coaches to use Snapchat as a method of'munication for recruiting, categorizing it just like Twitter messages and Facebook posts.

Schools will be able to start using Snapchat for recruiting Aug. 1. It's not as if coaches haven't used social media as a tool for'municating with recruits, but Snapchat opens up another interesting Pandora's Box in its format - the photo messages sent via Snapchat are timed to expire once the message is opened by the recipient.Some websites are already having fun with the idea of college coaches using Snapchat to'munitcate with recruits.Intelligence officials investigating how Edward J. Snowden gained access to a huge trove of the country's most highly classified documents say they have determined that he used inexpensive and widely available software to "scrape" the National Security Agency's networks, and kept at it even after he was briefly challenged by agency officials.

