
Data is stored on a cloud

 Data is stored on a cloud. Collaboration takes place in real time. Coordination of work is baked into the tools. Work can be accessed from a broad range of puting devices of all types. These tools all build on the modern SaaS model, so they are easy to get, work outside your firewall and e with the safety and security of cloud-native panies.The cultural changes enabled by these tools are significant. While it is possible to think about using these tools "the same old way," you're likely to be disappointed. If you think a new tool that is about collaboration on short-lived documents will have feature parity with a tool for crafting printed books, then you're likely to feel like things are missing. If you're looking to improve your organizational effectiveness at munication, collaboration and information sharing, then you're also going to want to change some of the assumptions about how your organization works.

 The fact that the new tools do some things worse and other things differently points to the disruptive innovation that these products have the potential to bring the "Innovator's Dilemma" is well known to describe the idea that disruptive products often feel inferior when pared to entrenched products using existing criteria.Based on seeing these tools in action and noticing how organizations can re-form around new ways of working, the following list piles some of the most mon pitfalls addressed by new tools. In other words, if you find yourself doing these things, it's time to reconsider the tools and processes on your team, and try something new.
Some of these will seem outlandish when viewed through today's concept. As a person who worked on productivity tools for much of my career, I think back to the time when it was crazy to use a word processor for a college paper; or when I first got a job, and typing was something done by the "secretarial pool." Even the use of email in the enterprise was first ridiculed, and many managers had assistants who would print out email and then type dictated replies no, really!. Things change slowly, then all of a sudden there are new norms.In our Harvard Business School class, "Digital Innovation," we crafted a notion of "doing it wrong," and spent a session looking at disruption in the tools of the workplace.

