
"App Mention Alerts" Is A Google Alerts-Like Tool For Mobile App Developers

Developers wanting to keep an eye on their app's download growth, chart position, revenues, user engagement patterns, and more have a number of tools at their disposal, like those from App Annie, Distimo, AppFigures, Flurry, and other analytics providers. But when it comes to keeping track of press mentions and blogger reviews, many still turn to plain ol' Google Alerts. Today,Forget the Intensive Screening Tool a new service called "App Mention Alerts" is launching as an alternative, offering both alerts and a tracking dashboard designed specifically for mobile app developers.

Google Alerts, which is continually rumored to be on the chopping block these days as the product falls apart, does a decent-enough job in tracking new, relevant Google search results across Google's verticals, like web, news, or blogs, for example. But App Mention Alerts' results are better for developers, because the service weeds out most of the websites that simply reprint press releases or App Store descriptions, explains founder Tomasz Kolinko, whose other product, AppCodes, is focused on App Store Optimization.

Today, AppCodes has 700 paying customers, and that number has been stable for several months. For a bootstrapped team of two, he says they're happy with its progress. With App Mention Alerts, the original idea was to incorporate the app tracking into AppCodes, but they decided to spin it off into their own product because it's easier to market and monetize it this way. However, AppCodes will also now present these "mentions" to its users, but without the "alerting" function, or dedicated window for the previews of the links it finds.

The way App Mention Alerts works is that, after sign-up, developers type their app's name into the search box (a checkbox lets you designate the app as being for the iPad) and hit search. In the results section, matching apps – including competitors who may have similar words in their app's title – will appear. You can then click the provided "Follow" button for the apps you want to track."It's similar to Mention.com, or MuckRack.com, but focuses on the iPhone and iPad apps," explains Kolinko. "The tracking is based on App Store links compared to more generic tools which track phrases, so the results are much cleaner…Before our tool, it was quite hard to add all the app competitor names to Google Alerts et al., and weed out all the false positives. We bring this down to just a couple of clicks."

