
To keep things interesting

In a way, one could think that Precision Moment Targeting is like Facebook's advertising platform where it's not a pray or spray model, but catering towards a consumer's interest, background, and what they've been talking about.The launch of Precision Moments Targeting could be incredibly useful in Japan, where the company recently signed a real with Yahoo Japan, the largest media company in the country with "tens of millions" of uses across the Web and mobile services. At the time, Kiip said that the deal would see its service integrated into the Yahoo Japan iOS and Android apps and serve ads and rewards for completing activities within the app. Sounds like 'moments', to us.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has repeatedly said that one of the company's mobile goals is to create apps that helps you take care of your daily habits, including mail, search, weather, and more. Granted Yahoo Japan is only one company, but its reach isn't something to laugh about. And if Kiip rolls the same integration into other platforms and services, it could potentially get real interesting for the company.The company says that there are more than 511 million moments taking place each month and these include things like favoriting a song, finishing a task on your to-do list, or saving a recipe. It wouldn't be too far-fetched for a consumer to receive a coupon at a grocery store when they cross off items from their shopping list, or perhaps a special at a restaurant when saving a recipe for a particular dish.

To keep things interesting, Kiip has also teamed with comScore to be one of its data sources. Now, when advertisers reference comScore data and insights on mobile advertising, some of that will come from Kiip.Practically all common purchases, from a can of soft drink to a new pair of jeans, are more expensive in Australian cities than in urban centres in the US and UK, crowd-sourced data shows.Having recently moved to Sydney from London, I can attest to doing frantic calculations in my head while staring at a standard pack of chicken breasts, trying desperately to look at my new shopping experiences in a favourable light.So it was with trepidation that I faced up to the figures using a new online tool, Budget Direct, which shows users exactly what they are paying for goods and services compared to others in the world. Yes, a standard white loaf costs around $3.50 in Sydney, not the $1.64 it would in London. A kilogram of potatoes costs $3 in Melbourne but just $2.16 in New York.

