
Tool Rental Depot opens on South Main Street

More conventional online moving tools, such as the calculators on bankrate.com or CNNMoney.com, are based on data from the Council for Community and Economic Research. The council's data allows you to compare the cost of housing, food, insurance, clothing, fuel, medical care and other common consumption items in different cities. The same data is used to provide the city-to-city cost comparison chart in each issue of Where to Retire magazine.The Tool Rental Depot, an extension of Hydraulic Depot and Custom Design, is open for business.

The three service-oriented businesses form one family-run, locally-owned and operated company at 2001 S. Main St. They are all located in the 70,000-square-foot former W.A. Brown facility.Tool Rental Depot's expansion was funded in part by a $10,825 Industrial Building Revitalization grant from the city of Salisbury.

"We are excited to expand our business and appreciate the wonderful turnout we had at our recent open house," said Phil Butler, owner of Hydraulic Depot and now Tool Rental Depot. "We look forward to serving the rental, repair, welding and fleet management needs of Salisbury, Rowan County and the surrounding area."Tool Rental Depot rents all types of tools and can service and repair a variety of construction equipment, including concrete saws, pressure washers, ground compacting equipment and aerial lifts.

The business also offers annual aerial lift inspections.Local business representatives, frequent customers, vendors and the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce and RowanWorks Economic Development Commission celebrated a grand opening and ribbon cutting event earlier this month.


Coming up with strategies

Microsoft won't say when the Remix Project will be on sale, or how much it'll cost. The company's working with both pro and amateur DJs to seed the kit, and plans to see how the response and feedback is before the product becomes widely available. Based on our experience it's a really fun, Traktor-style accessory that's going to make at least a few people think they're the new house-party DJ to beat.What makes a city a success?A Lightweight Editing Tool That Is An Opening Salvo Against Microsoft Office It's a lot of different things but in our experience economic vitality, livable neighborhoods, environmental sustainability and opportunity for all residents are critical elements.

Coming up with strategies that accomplish all these goals is a tall order, but that's the job of city leaders.In Pasadena and Santa Monica we pride ourselves on community engagement and effective planning that achieves results, such as revitalization of the 3rd Street Promenade and Old Pasadena while protecting our single family neighborhoods. We've crafted successful polices to direct new development to our downtown areas with the best transit. We've created opportunities for people who live and work locally by requiring a portion of all new apartment buildings to include some homes with affordable rents, called inclusionary zoning.

Along with 140 California cities and suburbs, we've found the sweet spot with locally crafted inclusionary policies. We get some new affordable apartments-- which are in short supply--without undermining new private investment.  More than 80,000 Californians live in homes created by inclusionary policies providing lower income and working people access to neighborhoods with good schools, jobs, and other opportunity-drivers.


A Lightweight Editing Tool That Is An Opening Salvo Against Microsoft Office

Therefore, Box, having moved files from the desktop to the cloud, has put itself in the position of providing document- and file-editing capabilities to companies large and small.Innocuous in itself, but important as that's been Microsoft's domain, I think, since before I was actually born. That same dominion has also been curator of Microsoft's bottom line for almost as long. Box is nibbling Microsoft's pond and I doubt that Redmond is happy. Box will happily tell you that it isn't out to get Office, but please.

I spoke to Levie and Box more generally about the tool, and they expect that a lightweight tool could be "Editor enough" for the average computing user. To quote the group, "most of today's tools have overshot customer needs to solve their problems."So, Box Notes. The goal, and I paraphrase Box here, is to avoid fitting our work to the tools that we have, and instead fit our tooling to our needs. This is implicit knocking of Word and the rest of the Office suite that has become — through time and agglomeration of new bells, whistles and buttons unknown — a bit bloated.

That's the goal of Box Notes, which is a simple real-time editing tool that combines collaborative typing with the Box file stack. If your company uses Box already, this will eventually the beta will remain small for now be an option for you and your colleagues to bang out simple documents. A feature called 'NoteHead,' think Facebook's ChatHead feature for analog, let's you see who is typing and where. It's a simple editor.Importantly, Box Notes is as compliant with security standards as Box is itself. Therefore, where you once could Box, but perhaps not use a different cloud-based file editing tool, you can now Box Notes, as well. In certain health-care and financial environments, this matters.


Cage: next-gen hardware is "a better tool" which offers devs "more subtlety, more nuances"

The young co-creators of the Asheville Tool Library have been working on the project for months, slowly building support and putting together applications and paperwork for grants, matching funds and the launch of the ioby campaign.It's been long, tedious work, resulting in fiscal sponsorship from Empowerment Works, a national nonprofit that supports community-based projects, and a $1,000 matching funds contribution from the Center for the New American Dream through the ioby fundraiser.

The three founders are not strangers to this work. Llewellyn is founder of the REAL Cooperative, a former director of Sustainable Living Roadshow and a current campaign organizer with the Dogwood Alliance.Letts is former site manager for the Missoula Urban Demonstration Project in Montana, which is home to a longstanding tool library. Dominic is the founder of Charlotte Got Crops!,Educators describe the device's dynamic display a North Asheville neighborhood garden for single moms and their kids, and is a local permaculture activist.

Their mission is pretty straightforward: increasing access to a "share economy" while decreasing resilience on "traditional currency"; increasing access to shared tools and therefore decreasing overall consumption; increasing the knowledge base and skill sets in the community to promote self-sufficiency; and being a host site for community and educational events for residents and local teachers."We want to develop a class series around tools, tool maintenance, safe and proper tool use, tools for home and the garden, a tool class just for women, just for kids, etc.," Letts said.


Educators describe the device's dynamic display

Educators describe the device's dynamic display and touchscreen as engaging and enabling for students, stimulating and motivating. Teachers can customize it to meet a variety of student needs. "It keeps learning very focused," said Cheryl Levin, education director at PACE School.The iPad's relatively low cost, light weight and portability are also factors in its popularity.Educators also say it's no exaggeration that the device is transforming education from the world of paper, pencil and textbooks into the world of their students' future.

"It's super-engaging. I've seen kids who have never taken interest, take interest," said Lauren Enders, assistive technology consultant for Bucks County in eastern Pennsylvania. "It increases the level of engagement and without engagement, you don't have much learning."The benefits for students with special education needs are many. Students with fine motor difficulties find the touchscreen easier to use than a mouse and keyboard and, of course, pencil and paper. Built-in features, such as the capacity to quickly enlarge what is on the screen and vocal text-reading, address many different types of disabilities. For students who cannot speak with their own voices, the iPad can serve as a communication device.

Furthermore, "it's a cool kind of technology" that does not call undue attention to a student's area of need, said Ms. Enders, who described a student with speech difficulties who refused to use a traditional communication device in front of his peers but now uses an iPad without self-consciousness."As a teacher, it makes you feel that the possibilities are endless," wrote Los Angeles special education teacher Neil Virani in an essay about the success of iPad use among his students.


Biotech Tool Providers

And they need to engineer the organisms' circadian rhythms to someday produce organisms that work around the clock making a fuel or chemical. Natural Synechocystis 6803, for instance, performs a yeoman's task of producing and storing energy molecules during the day through photosynthesis, but at night, it uses a different set of metabolisms to consume the stored energy.The natural circadian rhythm has to be rewired to make a biofuel 24 hours a day.

Zhang's research includes developing gene expression tools, new chemical biosynthetic pathways and circadian control tools for cyanobacteria."I'm confident that in two or three years we will have more potent tools to engineer gene expression levels and timing,Breakthrough Could Make Electronics Smaller and Better which will speed up the process more accurately and efficiently," he says.Also, his group has been working to develop dynamical control systems in microbes that function like meters and valves in a traditional chemical production plant – the meters calculate pressure and flow, and the valves control them.

"It's a biological version of the valve-and-meter model to control the flow of metabolites that make the production of fuel and chemicals more efficiently," he says.Following is a list of 20 current or former CEOs of life sciences tools and technologies providers who led their companies for at least part of 2012, ranked by their "total compensation" last year. Total compensation goes beyond salary to include bonuses, stock awards, stock option awards, nonequity incentive plan compensation, and all other sources of compensation. For each CEO ranked, the list offers 2012 and 2011 compensation, the percentage change between the amounts.


Breakthrough Could Make Electronics Smaller and Better

Thus the new work is "consistent with the hypothesis" of coevolution between language and toolmaking, "but not proof of it," says Michael Corballis, a psychologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. "It is possible that language itself emerged much later, but was built on circuits established during the Acheulean" period.Thomas Wynn, an archaeologist at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, is even more cautious about the results. He thinks that the fTCD technique, which measures blood flow to large areas of the cerebral cortex but does not have as high a resolution as fMRI or PET, "is a crude measure, even for brain imaging techniques."

As a result, Wynn says, he is "far from convinced" that the study has anything new to say about language evolution.Combining several standard nanofabrication techniques -- with the final addition of the Scotch Magic tape -- researchers at the University of Minnesota created extremely thin gaps through a layer of metal and patterned these tiny gaps over the entire surface of a four-inch silicon wafer. The smallest gaps were only one nanometer wide, much smaller than most researchers have been able to achieve. In addition, the widths of the gaps could be controlled on the atomic level. This work provides the basis for producing new and better nanostructures that are at the core of advanced electronic and optical devices.

One of the potential uses of nanometer-scale gaps in metal layers is to squeeze light into spaces much smaller than is otherwise possible. Collaborators at Seoul National University, led by Prof. Dai-Sik Kim, and Argonne National Laboratory, led by Dr. Matthew Pelton, showed that light could readily be squeezed through these gaps, even though the gaps are hundreds or even thousands of times smaller than the wavelength of the light used. Researchers are very interested in forcing light into small spaces because this is a way of boosting the intensity of the light. The collaborators found that the intensity inside the gaps is increased by as much as 600 million times.


Concrete blocks for tool storage

A few concrete blocks can be used to create some super storage for your yard tools. The more you have, the more versatile you can make it. Three or four blocks can be stacked up and the handles placed into the core created by the blocks. If you set two or three on the ground, then stagger stack a couple more on top of these and add a third row, also staggered, you will have created a whole line of storage holes for these tools.I have a free-standing range/oven combo. It's a great appliance, but now that we have a child I am wondering if I should try to attach it to the wall somehow to prevent it from accidentally tipping forward.

What do you suggest? The barrier to entry for game development Check your owner's manual or the manufacturer's website to see if it offers an anti-tipping bracket. Most manufacturers will have this available to you. Good for you – it's a smart thing to do. If you cannot find one, you can use some screws and a metal angle iron shaped to fit.We decided to use epoxy paint on our garage floor this summer. I wanted to do it because I wanted it to look better. I cleaned off most of the stains and followed the directions. I had no idea what the paint would do to the cleanliness of the garage. There's no more dust!

For years, we had concrete dust on the floor that got tracked into the house. Now it's gone. The garage is always clean now. Who knew? Well, I guess you probably did. – H.S.I have a new shop vacuum and it's a lot better than my old one. When the old one quit working, I was going to throw it away but decided to save some of the parts for other projects. The cord is long, so I cut it off and saved it to use with another appliance at some point. I also saved the canister part. It's large and on sturdy wheels, and I keep my garden tools and other supplies in it. It's perfect and very handy.