
Coming up with strategies

Microsoft won't say when the Remix Project will be on sale, or how much it'll cost. The company's working with both pro and amateur DJs to seed the kit, and plans to see how the response and feedback is before the product becomes widely available. Based on our experience it's a really fun, Traktor-style accessory that's going to make at least a few people think they're the new house-party DJ to beat.What makes a city a success?A Lightweight Editing Tool That Is An Opening Salvo Against Microsoft Office It's a lot of different things but in our experience economic vitality, livable neighborhoods, environmental sustainability and opportunity for all residents are critical elements.

Coming up with strategies that accomplish all these goals is a tall order, but that's the job of city leaders.In Pasadena and Santa Monica we pride ourselves on community engagement and effective planning that achieves results, such as revitalization of the 3rd Street Promenade and Old Pasadena while protecting our single family neighborhoods. We've crafted successful polices to direct new development to our downtown areas with the best transit. We've created opportunities for people who live and work locally by requiring a portion of all new apartment buildings to include some homes with affordable rents, called inclusionary zoning.

Along with 140 California cities and suburbs, we've found the sweet spot with locally crafted inclusionary policies. We get some new affordable apartments-- which are in short supply--without undermining new private investment.  More than 80,000 Californians live in homes created by inclusionary policies providing lower income and working people access to neighborhoods with good schools, jobs, and other opportunity-drivers.

