
Explain that during divorce

Teachable Moment: Open a dialogue about divorce. Share that your heart is hurt without going into detail but explain that you still go to work, buy groceries and make dinner -- even when you'd rather just sleep it all away. Have your children share a time when they were upset about something and did not want to go to school. Ask them to share how they worked past their hurt feelings and carried on. How did they feel after the day was over? Use this moment to show that continuing your routines and practices actually helps you feel better.You can be a SuperParent through divorce by consistently acting with integrity. Keep the same rules and routines you had from before the divorce to create stability for your children. Divorce is just as hard if not harder on children as it is on you. Speak only with integrity about your ex; saying hurtful things about a child's parent is traumatizing. Use your coach or your journal to purge negative thoughts and speech.

Teachable Moment: Explain that during divorce, husbands and wives often get angry with each other. Sometimes, when angered, people will say cruel things or act inappropriately - neither of which helps anyone feel better. State that rather than acting in anger, you can choose to release your emotions in a constructive way. Counting to ten, writing your feelings, and vigorous exercise are all great outlets for anger and frustration. Have the children share ways they they can let out their anger without hurting another.

Divorce is complicated and the process can be frustrating even for the boldest of SuperParents. When your children see you receiving help - and recovering - you teach them that it is perfectly acceptable to seek assistance from others. Hire a coach to help you understand your emotions. Then master them by sharing what you learn with your children. Be sure to rely upon the assistance of divorce financial planners and attorneys as well. Their advice will only help you to reach a satisfactory settlement.Teachable Moment: Explain that sometimes even adults face challenges that are too difficult to work on alone. Share an experience you've had receiving help from others. Have your children share their own experiences. How did they feel after getting help? What did they learn from their helper? Finally, brainstorm ways you can all help each other.

