
Google launches crisis tools to help the Philippines deal with the aftermath of a powerful typhoon

The bills would also require scrap dealers to take still pictures or video of items offered for sale, which law enforcement officials say will make it easier to connect stolen goods with the thieves responsible.Michigan makes the 10th highest number of claims for scrap metal theft in the nation. Earlier this year, the Michigan State Police told the Free Press that the number of illegal scrapping incidents reported skyrocketed from 527 in 2011 to 1,402 in 2012.The Michigan chapter of the Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries, the scrap dealers' trade association, has opted not to weigh in on the House bills, saying that the group is working with legislators. The bills are widely supported by law enforcement agencies,Tigers making moves to re-tool for another 2014 run as well as by utility and railroad companies — both frequent targets of scrappers.

Scrapping is a perennial problem, and it's one that needs fixing. State Senate approval of these bills is an important step.A second set of anti-scrapping bills is making its way through the state Senate. That package, among other things, would require a permit for scrap dealers, require the State Police to make a registry for scrapping offenders, financed by half of a newly created $1-per-scrap-transaction fee, paid by dealers.It's important to remember that most scrap dealers are legitimate businesspeople who operate in compliance with the law. Any legislative remedy must strike the right balance, providing tools for law enforcement, realistic safeguards and significant penalties for wrongdoers without imposing unfair restrictions on honest dealers and honest scrappers.

Google announced today it has launched crisis tools to help gather and relay information to do with the devastation wrought by a powerful typhoon in the Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan also known as Yolanda left a trail of destruction over the weekend, with officials fearing that up to 10,000 people may have died.The tools include Google Person Finder, a Web app for individuals to either search for someone else or leave details about yourself and others. "As the number of names and records build, the tool will hopefully make it easier for those who are safe to pass on their news to anyone worried about them," Google notes. A mobile version of the tool is also available.Google has also come up with a Typhoon Yolanda Relief Map, which provides updates on shelters and other information from the disaster zone.

