
The new faces have to step up their game if they're going to catch up

Do not doubt RuPaul. The goddess has a plan. While I stand by my opinion that splitting the queens into two groups led to a lackluster first half of the sixth-season premiere, that decision pays off big time in "RuPaul's Big Opening: Part Two," which uses the events of last week's episode to turn up the pressure for a group of queens that is simply more memorable than what showed up last week. Nobody in part one was as shady as Bianca Del Rio, as fishy as Courtney Act, as ballsy as Milk, or as large as Darienne Lake. And there was definitely nobody that was a hotter mess than Magnolia Crawford, who is incredibly easy to hate thanks to her busted appearance and disastrous attitude. The personalities are bigger, the looks are bolder, and the noses are way thinner, making this episode a triumphant return to form for TV's best reality'petition.

"RuPaul's Big Opening: Part Two" begins by checking in with the queens from last week after Kelly Mantle's elimination, who walk into the workroom to discover a party set up to celebrate their safety. While everyone is drinking champagne and eating cupcakes, Gia scrawls "Beware Bitchez" in lipstick on the mirror, an ominous message that encapsulates why the two-group dynamic ends up working so well. Six of the contestants have already made it through the first challenge before this week's queens even debut, and one of them has already gone home. When tonight's group learns what happened last week, the stakes raise dramatically, because not only are they immediately reminded of how real the risk of elimination is, but they also now know that there are six queens that have a head start on them.

 The new faces have to step up their game if they're going to catch up, and that leads to a considerable increase in energy for the second part of the season premiere.The girls are having a great time celebrating victory and building sisterly bonds, but the party's over when Mama Ru'es down in her curlers, face mask, and pink bathrobe and orders her girls to go to bed because she's expecting'pany in the morning, Her first guest to arrive is Bianca Del Rio, 37,A lot of the show had that same 'wait, why? an insult'ic queen who immediately establishes herself as the person to beat this season, bringing a fiercely hilarious personality, beautifully polished clothes, and a wildly exaggerated paint job that emphasizes her huge expressions.

